Girls get dress code for wearing shorts
According to the 2021-2022 student agenda says, “The purpose of our campus dress code is to minimize distractions… shorts and skirts much reach finger tips with or without leggings worn underneath.”
Lots of girls, specifically, have been dress coded multiple times for wearing shorts that are too short.
“I have been dress coded twice for wearing shorts,” Ariana Robinson said. “I don’t really see a problem with wearing shorts, as long as you’re not showing any parts.”
Some students chose to just wear shorts due to the high temperatures.
“I started wearing shorts to school because it has been about 100 degrees almost every day,” junior Isabella Villabos said. “I just want to be comfortable throughout the school day without having to worry about getting dress coded.”
Some students have destroyed their clothes because they don’t want to deal with being dress coded.
“I had to cut my friends shorts because they were folded and sewn in,” freshman Amireth Carbajal said. “She made me cut them because she thought that they would get her dress coded because they did not reach fingertip length.”
Teachers take in consideration on girls wearing shorts, as long as it is not offensive
“If they are in my class I tell them that they are not within dress code, but I use it as a warning, I don’t send them to the office , ” Ms. Del La Rosa said. “I think as long as they are not booty shorts then it’s okay, I am personally offended by booty’s hanging, but I don’t think finger tip I necessary because they can be cute sometimes and can express themselves.
Students don’t see a big problem with girls wearing sorts within the school environment.
“It probably disturbs the staff and makes them feel uncomfortable when they see girls wearing shorts that are too short,” sophomore Bryan Mucher said. “Girls should be able to wear what they want at school as long as they wear it appropriately because there is a time and a place. ”