The Chapin Orchestra Shares Their Love of Music
The room grows quiet, the graduates walk in and suddenly the room is filled with the harmony of violas, violins, cellos, and basses playing together in unison to celebrate the individuals that are now receiving their diploma to open the new chapter in their lives. The Chapin Orchestra had the honor of playing on November 16th for the graduation of the El Paso Community College at the Don Haskins Center. This was considered their first official gig as they had never previously played at graduation. However, this gig was worth it as they were recompensed very well for their time, with a 600dollar check that will definitely help the orchestra to continue funding events for its students.
The welcoming of the University of Texas at El Paso was very warm for the Huskies. Upon their 12 P.M arrival, they had organized a scavenger hunt that showed them around the campus, before the actual graduation which didn’t take place until 5 P.M. During this they were able to relax the nerves of the very important event that awaited them. When the clock finally reached 5 P.M, the Huskies were in their seat and begun to celebrate the graduates walking in by playing pomp and circumstance for the following ten minutes, followed by the Star-Spangled Banner. After this took place, the orchestra sat patiently until the ceremony ended to play once more. This was a unique and different experience for the orchestra that was not only enjoyable but memorable as well. They were able to share their love of music to celebrate a very remarkable moment in the lives of the individuals graduating and there is no doubt that the Huskies would like to repeat this experience. Their love of music will continue to be shared on Sunday at the Fountains where they will spread the holiday cheer by playing for the visitors.