Senior Daniel Arellano steps up to the ball while it is in the are he attempts to get it controlled and on the ground. He got it controlled on the ground and started to dribble it up the field passing it to one of his strikers.

Daniel Arellano runs with the ball he gets it out of the pressure of El Paso High. He took a few more steps to get ready to pass it to Julian Nunez who was on the wing calling for the ball.

Senior Antonio Portillo pulls out his skill moves like its a showcase, he pulls back the ball making the midfielder on his back unbalanced. He took advantage of the player being unbalanced and easily got around him making a run towards goal, having options open to pass to in case he got stuck with another player.

Senior Logan Zimmer runs back to his side of the fifty along side one of El Paso highs defenders. He stuck his leg out jumping at the defender in an attempt to get the ball back and tie the game.

Senior Alan Mascorro got the ball from one of El Paso’s players, Alan headed up the field on a counter attack. Alan and his team played their best in the game but ended up 2 goals short of a tie. “We could have for sure beat them,” Alan said. “It was just 50/50 balls that we didn’t get and the possession that we didn’t have.” He had confidence in his team and still does after this loss.

All the seniors lined up on the track for a group picture together. Some of the senior moms wanted to make gifts for the boys up coming senior night, so we got the boys together for a group picture after their last ever time playing against El Paso high.

Sophomore Omar Escobedo started making a run towards the goal with the defender to his side he had to use his speed to his advantage. He got to the edge of the box slightly ahead of the defender and crossed in into the box with hopes a teammate would connect with it. “We did pretty good we came out to play and we did,” Omar said.

Alan Mascorro makes another run with the ball he beats defenders and keeps the ball with him. He out ran and out played the player behind him who was now trying to catch up with Alan. “We had a good press and good possession,” said Alan, after the game.

Junior Jacob Perez took the ball from one of El Paso’s players on the attack and now has it in Chapin’s possession. He passed it off to one of his midfielders so they could make a run with it going up the field. “We started to play too fast and gave away the ball in the last minutes in the second half,” Jacob said.

Senior Samuel Dos Santos runs back to help out his defense with the El Paso high attack rushing back towards our goal. Samuel got the ball and brought it to the strikers going towards goal, but a few plays later Samuel had to be taken out of the game because of a hurt knee making him unable to play against Jefferson at their next game.