Under pressure. During the district opener, on January 10, Julian had to make a fast decision if he was going for the shot or passing it. His ultimate decision would be for the betterment of the team. “I felt composed, I was thinking about either scoring the layup before the defender came,” senior Julian Pacheco said. “I realized that I had a wide-open shot to my man Savion Jordan.”Lettin’ it fall. Still, in the first quarter, junior Jacob Garcia was putting in the work by scoring over two, three-pointers. “I felt good because I already made two threes so I shot the ball with confidence,” Jacob said. “When I let it go I knew it was going to fall.”Eyes on the rim. While playing the game against Canutillo on January 10, senior Jayden Leverett had so much momentum he got the rebound and went up for a layup. “I felt confident shooting the layup after snagging the rebound,” Jayden said.Defying gravity. During the district opener, senior Savion Jordan would have an electric game with scoring 12 points. Savion was going up for a layup after running across the court.Calm, cool, and collected. After getting fouled, junior Jacob Garcia got to score his two free throws against Canutillo on January 10. He had a thrilling performance with seventeen points.In the zone.In the third quarter, junior Keyshaun Lawrence has possession of the ball while on offense trying to get around the defenders. This would give the Huskies the energy they need to finish the third quarter strong with sixteen points.Feeling the heat. In a tight spot, junior Jacob Garcia had to get rid of the ball with defenders surrounding his every move. With the Husky’s district opener on the line, Jacob passed the ball in hopes of them scoring.Up and over the rest. Going into the third quarter, junior Jacob Garcia charged across the court to make a layup after getting passed a rebound. This gave the Huskies an advantage once again.Odds on their side. Seniors Julian Pacheco and Jayden Leverett both rise for the rebound following a missed shot. Jayden Leverett got possession of the ball and then passed it to his teammates.Smooth, steady. With effortless composer, senior Savion Jordan glides toward the basket during the season’s opening district game, soaring for a side layup as defenders remain unable to touch him. Huskies would win 64-45 setting them up for success for the 2024-2025 season.