Chapin Chronicle

The Chapin High School Newspaper

Chapin Chronicle

The Chapin High School Newspaper

Chapin Chronicle

    Telpas Testing

    As this school year ends, testing becomes more frequent every week. “I dont like this test because I know English good and it just gets in the way.”Said junior Luis Mendez

     Although for some people they must take an extra test, that being the Telpas. The Telpas testing is a test that is an assessment program for students in Texas public schools who are learning the English language. In this test they must show 4 things those being reading, writing, listening, and speaking. “I will be more skilled at the reading and listening then the writing and speaking.”Said junior Victor Becerra 

    They take these tests in 2 days for 2 tests, and each test has 40-50 questions which could take around 4-6 hours to complete. These tests can start from kindergarten to the first grade, and you must take them every single year until you pass them with an average score of advanced high. “I think they should make kids do it different than how it is set up because some kids fail it because they don’t want to speak on the mic Infront of people.” Said junior Alan Mascorro  



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