Chapin Chronicle

The Chapin High School Newspaper

Chapin Chronicle

The Chapin High School Newspaper

Chapin Chronicle


    Peer pressure in high school

    Peer pressure is a prevalent and often challenging aspect of high school life, impacting teenagers across the country. From confirming to societal norms to succumbing to the influence of friends, adolescents face difficult decisions that can shape their identities and future paths.

    negative peer pressure can lead to detrimental consequences, such as substance abuse, academic dishonesty, or engaging in dangerous  activities. these pressures can erode self esteem, create anxiety, and hinder personal development.

    I have interviewed a few people on campus  who have either been in the estate of being peer pressured or have seen someone being pressured.

    my first questions went  to a freshman who would like to stay anonymous; ‘have you ever been effected by peer pressure?’

    “Yes, very often actually.”

    ‘how many times has this happened to you?’

    ” a few probably like five.”

    I asked a security guard  on  the campus how they felt about peer pressure.

    ” what I think about peer pressure is that the people who control it have gone through the same things that they are putting the people that they are tormenting through right now. I feel like they don’t have anything else better to do with their lives other than sit around and not try to work hard.”


    While peer pressure is an ongoing challenge, it is essential to remember that teenagers possess the resilience and strength to overcome it.By fostering a sense of self-worth, providing guidance, and promoting healthy relationships, we can empower  our youth too navigate the complex world of peer pressure and emerge as confident individuals ready to shape their own destinies.

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