School shootings affecting students and parents

Recently there has been an increase in school threats and school shootings. Every day we see on the news that a new school is under lockdown. Students are “over” these threats.
“At this point these threats are just ridiculous, every time that I open my Instagram, I see that there is a threat for a different high school every day,” junior Juan Martinez said. “I’m so over them and the people that think they are cool just because they pose with a gun.”
The number of threats that there are makes students not even worry that one of these threats will really be real.
“One of these days one of these threats are going to be real and we are going to play it off as a fake one once again,” junior Brenda Alarcon said. “I pray to god that never happens but from what I have seen we only ever see it as a joke.”
There have been 2 threats in the school in just a span of two weeks, but the way they are being handled is not the “best”.
“Last time when there was a threat, the dude that had posted the picture was not even in the school,” junior Samuel Myers said. “I saw that dude leave like during lunch and the lockdown was in third period like at that point why do that?”
There was recently a post of it being national school walkout day on Wednesday April 5th and it was too get the attention f gun violence happening in schools.
“I was going to do the walkout, but then I saw another post where in other schools students who did walkout would get really big consequences and not graduate with cords and things like that,” Brenda said. “I do want their to be change but I don’t want it to affect my academics either.”
This post has been controversial though, sophomore Joel Pedroza says that students will use it as a way to miss class.
“I saw that post and I think it’s a good meaning but many students are just going to use it as an excuse to not go to class and go out with their friends, they aren’t even doing it to call out the violence,” Joel said. “Also the walkout was meant to be at 12PM we are literally in lunch it would not make sense to walk out in lunch.”
Even parents are concerned about the school threats, they feel like they are being left out from essential information.
“I did now know that there was a potential school threat today until my daughter’s boyfriend told me,” parent Irene Ordaz said. “They send out emails, but I did not get one, I also did not get a call. I think they should call, email and text just to make sure that parents know what is going on.”
Recently the El Paso police department said that students who make threats will face criminal charges. They are glad that these students will finally get consequences after making an inappropriate post.
“My other kids have gotten so many bomb threats just this year, I have had to pick them up over 3 times because of these threats.” Irene said. “I’m glad that now they are getting consequences and hopefully they can stop posting these posts like if they are funny.”