Trespassing incident tightens school rules

On January 23, two students that attend Austin High school trespassed onto school grounds causing a stricter enforcement of school ID’s and hall passes.
“It is a very smart idea because it is a danger for us students because you never know what the trespasser’s intentions are,” sophomore Amireth Carbajal said.
The students that trespassed meant no harm. They all decide to meet at the school so that they could go eat after school.
“We just walked in 10 minutes before the bell rang just to wait for our friend, but we were not planning to hurt anybody or the school, ” said Gabriel Sandoval, a sophomore at Austin High School.
The school ID’s and hall passes are not the best thing students comply with. This is because most students lose their ID’s.
“I always lose or end up leaving my IDs in my car, and always end up late because I have to walk back to my car,” sophomore Izabella Zamora said .
This also has made security stand around campus doors and signs of no entrance but the front door are posted around campus.
“The signs are a good thing but sometimes i am late to all my classes because of this new rule,”sophomore Julian Ontiveros said.
The district top concern is student’s safety with the Chapter 37 of TEC rules that mandates all school door entrances to be locked. The school has locked the doors and is enforcing ID checks and hall passes for added security.
“I don’t believe its a bad thing to carry ID’s i just don’t support the fact that we will get written up if we don’t have it walking around the campus,” sophomore Mia Martinez said.