Students’ reaction on a two-hour delay due to weather condition

On January 24, a two-hour delay was placed because of extreme weather conditions between 6am to 9am. School started at 10:45 instead of the original starting time of 8:45.
This delay had many different positive and negative reactions from the student body.
“I was extremely happy because for once I wasn’t going to be late to school because at normal time I could never get here on time,” said sophomore Victoria Rivera.
The weather conditions consisted of rain, snow, and high winds that are extremely dangerous conditions for students to be on the road. The weather is in the mid- low 30s, which means ice could be very risky on the road.
“The weather was not a very good thing for me that day I felt sick, I was so glad there was a delay,” freshman Lillian Mercado said.
The time schedules stayed the same so that meant first, and second lunch still took place at the same time.
“The lunch time was perfect because school started at 10:45 and lunch was at 11:08 which meant I had a good morning without school,” junior Brenda Hernandez said.
Although the school usually holds one lunch when situations occur like early release, testing, and delays. This time around they kept the schedule the same.
“I was kind of happy because i thought i would have lunch with my friends for the first time but when they made the announcement that we would have both lunches it made me sad, “freshman Joshua Laboy said.
This also had negative feelings because of the way the schedule worked.
“I don’t think school should’ve been canceled because it was just a false weather prediction, “junior Jovanie Barrios said.
On this day most students did not attend school. This might have been for safety precaution or because of lack of motivation to attend.
“I stayed home because I thought we would’ve gotten snow because we never do and it made me happy,” sophomore Crystal Velarde said.