Drumline only on homegames

Drumline has been a chapin high school tradition for many years. Before every football game Drumline would walk through the halls with cheer, dance, jrotc, and flags. When drumline passes your class you get released early. Then you can go watch a mini performance from cheer, dance and drumline. Recently we got a new principle Mrs. Chappell and she changed it to where drumline is only on home games.


“If we have drumline every week if won’t be as exciting, said Principle Regan Chappell. With it only on home games it makes it more exciting.”


Drumline is a way for student to get excited and hyped for the game.


“Its not as fun, Drumline gets you hype for the game, Said senior Luis Manjarrez. Not having drumline every game doesn’t feel the same”


Students are sad and disappointed that drumline is only on home games.


“Its sad not having it before every game, Said senior Eddie Lincoin. It made me excited for the game later on and now there’s nothing for us before our away games.”


Students looked forward to their last drumline of senior year and not having it every Friday ruined it, Said Senior Evelyn Vargas.


“Not having drumline every Friday kind of ruined the beginning of my senior year said Evelyn. When we had drumline every Friday it would hype everyone up for the game.”


Students would get excited to watch cheer and dance and hear drumline.


“It sucks that we don’t have it every Friday, Said senior Xavion Walton. I liked watching the performance and hearing the drums through the halls.”