Live, laugh, lollipop! Pride and patriotism committee did a scavenger hunt for their members of their committee. Samantha, bottom right said,”Going to the student government meetings is always fun as me and my friends enjoy doing the activities the officers have planned out for us.”Scavenger Hunt Champions! The Pride and Patriot Committee put on a scavenger hunt around the library during the student government’s January meeting. The winners are playing with their new prizes!Bingo Bliss, Don’t Miss! The community service committee put on a fun bingo-filled game during the January monthly meeting. The bingo game consisted of how much they have participated in school activities and events.Bloom with creativity! The Energy and Environment committee created little flowers out of reusable pipe cleaners to put around the school. Riley Smith had so much creating a bouquet!Jenga’s down, Oh No! The DASH committee put on multiple Jenga games and after every piece they pulled they would put a positive phrase on it. While they were spreading positioning the Jenga game falling can prove to be frustrating.All smiles here! Student governments Fine Art chair Addyson Volkert and President Mia Castrejon pose for a picture during the January monthly meeting. “I love being a part of a community like this,” said Addyson. “Student government reminds you that you’re not alone and there’s always somewhere to go!”Smiles and simple steps! The community service officer, Audrey Lopez is having a blast with her community members but also giving firm steps to complete the task at hand! “My committee was engaged in a fun game of bingo,” said Audrey. “It was community service themed in a chance to win prizes!”Smiles and flower creations! The Energy and Environment committee encouraged its members to get involved and create reusable pipe-cleaner flowers. Romma and Morgan got engaged in this activity and helped the environment!Ready and steady. The DASH committed focused on winning games but also spreading out positive messages to the students! Enrique Ambriz staying focused during an intense game of Jenga!Double the Fun! Vice president Jacob Bonilla on the left and Spirit Coordinator Jose Morales on the right show their pride for student government by posing for a funny photo.