As the guest came into the school for the open house everyone at this table was saying welcome. They got the guest signed in then sent them off with tour guides to enjoy the event. “I enjoyed being at the welcome table because we got to make jokes with the parents,” senior Scarlet Molinar said. “We make them laugh before they go in.”

Students from the robotics class and club explain what they are doing. They are showing what happens during robotics and how they use robots. “I enjoyed the open house I got to talk about something I was very passionate about,” junior Ivanna Cho said.

So many people.
This was one of the very popular tables that the guest would go to. This was one of the few times they got a rest from the guest.

Off to the next table.
As students move from table to table they find out more about what it is they do in the magnet program. This student just finished at the robotics table and went off to this table to find out more.

What’s this.
Guest from one of our local middle schools come to check out the magnet open house. By the end of their visit they were no longer saying what’s this because of all the information they learned.

Time for music.
As the guest walked around the open house they were greeted by the wonderful music of our mariachi. They played wonderfully and the guest enjoyed hearing the type of music they were playing. Student Evelyn Miller said ” I enjoyed preforming at the open house, I liked how when people were walking past they stoped to listen.”

The echo of music through the halls.
The sounds of the Chapin mariachi echoed through the halls. The sound of music drifted through the halls making people walk closer to wonder what that sound was.

Don’t crash.
Junior Ivanna Cho practices with the robotics team. “It was a lot of fun at the end I got to drive around about 3 different types of robots,” Ivanna said. “It was a lot of fun.” She hopes to see that same happiness and enjoyment from the new students next year.

New driver.
The remote for this robot was passed to one of the guest to give them a try at driving it. But be careful we have a new driver coming through.

All good.
Student Adan Perez was with the robotics table all night. As the event was wrapping up he was giving the thumbs up giving the all good that it was a fun night for everyone.