Brianna Sosa, Junior “I think I did good, but there were a few things I could have done better. Overall, it was a good game for me” said Junior, Brianna Sosa after an outstanding win for chapin of 7-0.”Freshman, Danna Suarez “For this game we did good, we need to focus more on how to work with each other and communicate more”Genesis Nava, Junior “I did good, I could have done better though, regards to my defending 1v1’s”Analeah Aguilera, Sophomore “I felt like I did all right on Saturday’s game. I did not play terribly, but I know I could have done better, because I was not fully focused.”Noelia Soto, freshman “Some improvements I think my coach can do for our team to win the next few games are more communication on the field and team bonding.”Rowan Mendoza, Sophomore “I think I did decent last game giving that I as coming off of an injury.”Stephanie Aguilera, Junior “I did good, but I think I could have done better, my fitness and hydration needs to be better prepared as i was not expecting it to be hot when we played.”Aryanna Vasquez, Freshman “I think coach should try to move us around a little sooner, once we got moved around, we all started doing a little better as a team.”Scarlett Tovar, Freshman “I would say just think about where she puts us, because we do have some players that have been injured and some of us need to rest so we don’t get more injured than some of already are.”Yocelin Maynez, Sophomore “After this game I think I could’ve done better, I was injured so I was not able to perform at my best”Ivanna Cho, Junior “I think I did pretty well I had done a lot better than in previous games and blocked a penalty.”Violeta Cuellar, Sophomore “If we can work better together on the field and support each other more, we’ll have a better chance at winning the next few games.”Jocelynne Diaz, Sophomore “Coach is doing a good job, we’ve beaten these teams once and I’m positive we can do it again.”Alexandra Mercado, Senior “The rest is on us as a team to win our next few games with our efforts.”Nadia Marquez, sophomore “There’s nothing to really fix! Coach does a pretty good job on thinking and strategizing how to win.”