This story set at room A105 will indeed give you the chills.
But first, magnet teacher Cody Logsdon always decorates the room for his students, and this season was no different. His classroom was filled with festive pumpkins and fun fall decorations, creating a spooky atmosphere, which fits the “injury” theme for their presentations.

Even on Halloween, magnet students stay dedicated to learning! In Logsdon’s class, students participated in an important educational presentation about injuries. The lesson taught everyone about researching and the organization of information.
“Today Logan Zimmer is giving his presentation, please be respectful and pay attention,” magnet teacher Cody Logsdon said to the class and the students prepare.
Senior Logan Zimmer presents to the class as he speaks on the podium. “Hello my name is Logan Zimmer and I’m going to present about how we can deal with knee injuries and the major causes of these,” senior Logan Zimmer said.
As Logan Zimmer presents, this student follows Logsdon’s instructions by listening and taking notes of the presentation quietly.
“It is important to know how to take care of this types of injuries,” Logan Zimmer said to the class. “Since we are all prone to having them. It’s better to be prepared.”
Logans answers a question that was made by one of his classmates.”I got my information from Medical sources and different interviews,” Logan said. He began to explain who can we approach to in case of an injury.
To mark the end of his presentation, Logan Zimmer answered questions like what methods can help with healing, in where cases are we most prone to complications, and when are we at most risk for an injury.
Logan Zimmer steps off the podium, which was followed by applauses of his classmates. After his presentation, the teacher gave instructions of assignments due. “With no questions left my presentation ends. Thank you,” Logan said.