Texas homecoming tradition
Senior Zachary and Junior Jazmine Enrique . “I know my mum is super big, but you don’t understand how much I love it,” Jazmine said.
A mum is something that is a tradition in Texas, this is when a guy gives a girl a mum in honor of the high school homecoming football game.
“I know it is a tradition for a guy to give you a mum, but my parents bought me it for seventeen dollars “said sophomore Stephanie Torres
Mums all very in prices some may be extremely expensive, and some may be very affordable
“My mom got mine done for forty-five dollars with a lady that locally makes them for everyone in El paso” said sophomore Zachary Gimble
All mums usually have their own unique decoration which can describe what the person likes
“The mum I got is based on football it has footballs, husky paws, and a big husky in the middle “said sophomore Zachary Gimble
The original tradition is a guy giving the girl a mum or vice versa although they do not expect it
“I bought my boyfriend a mum that has colors from the school, and it is a small mum since it goes on the shoulder, “said Junior Brenda Hernandez
Most of the time mums are exchanged on Thursday so they could be worn on Friday at school & game, but this year people will wear them on Thursday because there will be no school taking place.
“I gave my girlfriend her mum today, which is Tuesday that has volleyball decorations, because we went out to eat and I thought it was the best opportunity, “said Osvaldo Marquez
As big of a tradition it is not everyone takes part in homecoming week
“Honestly, the reason I did not get a mum was because I was not sure if I was going to go, and I didn’t really want to wear one or wait for it to get made “said sophomore Mia Martinez
A mum for two people can be expensive and sometimes student do not want to spend crazy amount of money
“I didn’t get a mum because I did not want my guy friend to spend money, so I told him not to, “said junior Kahlyn Dena
Mums usually get worn on Friday’s football game and Saturday dance, but sometimes students have other traditions
“Last year and this year I will be making diy spirt game shirts to wear to the game because I enjoy it and it is more fun and affordable “said sophomore Crystal Velarde