As advisory was to the school schedule, the school now has only one lunch period. This has sparked different opinions from staff and students.
“I don’t mind the lunch,” junior Crystal Velarde said. “I usually go out to eat anyway. But I have heard that the lines for the cafeteria food are crazy long.”
This new lunch schedule has even affected activities outside of the cafeteria.
“The lines at the shoppette are crazy,” senior Jayson Turner said. “Last year they were long but now they are even worse than you can imagine, if with two lunches they were bad its terrible now!”
Adding to the effects of this lunch, students who drive out to lunch are also having trouble getting out of the parking lot.
“I’ve gone out to eat these past three days, the traffic to get out is insane,” senior Nathan Montiel said. “There are just too many people out at once and it’s making so much chaos.”
Jayson believes that if the lunch was possibly “a bit longer” all the problems would be resolved.
“Last year there were rumors that the lunch time would be an hour long,” Jayson said. “I honestly wish it was. We would have more time to get lunch, eat and distress from school a little bit; not just go to the cafeteria spend 15 minutes getting our food and using the other 15 to try and eat it all.”