Dress Code Policy
There is a new principal, and she is enforcing the rules. The dress code is the one rule that is being enforced that students must follow.
Junior Kahlyn Dena said she did not think that the dress code was very fair for girls.
“The dress code to me is not that bad, I just think that it is ridiculous since it is mostly towards girls,” Kahlyn said. “They only really enforce it on the girls than they do on the boys.”
Chloe Torres, sophomore, believes that this dress code is too “professional.” She does not understand many aspects of the dress code and believes they are “foolish”.
“I think the dress code has something against being comfortable while in school,” Chole said. “I do not understand why we cannot just wear leggings or slides? I mean I get the legging kind of but why not slides or sandals, that one I have no idea why it’s a thing.”
There are some students who believe that the dress code is a bit outdated like Landon Taylor, sophomore, who believes that the dress code is “old”.
“I think that the hat rule is a very old rule,” sophomore Landen Taylor said. “It was disrespectful to have your hat on in the building and that’s kind of not a thing anymore. ” Or not as popular as it used to be.” Landen only problem that he has with the dress code is the hat rule. He is used to having his hat on usually all day, so he feels “weird” without his hat.
Junior Ava Trotter only problem with the dress code is the rules on the “piercings”, she believes it would be a waste of time to be taking it off and putting it on.
“I think that the dress code is kind of reasonable, the only thing that is kind of dumb to me is the fact that we cannot have face piercings, and how they are unsafe. I’ve had my nose pierced forever, it’s like a normal piercing. But what if I had it newly pierced. It’s extremely hard to take it off, so I would not be able to take it off and on,” Ava said.
Juan Martinez, Junior, says he is not “bugged” by the dress code. Juan thinks that the dress code is something that is not as important, but it can be something that can make it, so we don’t have clothing that’s too “extra” for school.
“To be honest the dress code does not phase me, I don’t really care. I have never been dress coded so I don’t think that it has been very hard to follow it. I just know it is stricter when it comes to girls than guys.”