Students are geared up for SAT testing


Seniors will take the SATs on Thursday, October 28. Check in for testing will begin at 7:45 a.m. in the large gym. Students will need to take acceptable photo IDs with them in order for them to be checked in. Testing will then begin promptly at 8:45 a.m. 

The SAT has four tests, including the SAT essay, reading test, writing and language test, and finally the math test. Each section of the SAT will be timed. 

“I feel like I’m ready for the SAT as I’ve been taking some off-campus tutoring courses for it,” senior Mason Whittenberg said. “I’m pretty confident and that’s the attitude you have to have for these kinds of tests.” 

After the students’ test, they will be able to check their scores on their college board account when they become available. 

“If students do not score that well on the SAT during the October testing date, they can also always re-take it during the spring semester,” testing coordinator Cristin Zuniga said. 

There are also other testing dates in between the fall and spring testing dates. Although these aren’t mandated, and students will need to test by themselves. 

“If I’m being honest, I’m pretty nervous about the SAT next week as even though it’s basic information, it’s stuff that I hadn’t learned in years, especially on the math section,” senior Tristan Endlich said. “But my fingers are crossed that I ace this test.” 

Teachers have also been preparing their students for the SAT by giving them lessons based on what might be on the test. 

“I’ve been giving them vocabulary and having them write essays to get them ready for the grueling process of the writing section”, English teacher Mario Gomez said.