Last minute submission
Students find it difficult to complete assignments and put things off until the end. Teachers are disrupted and struggle to keep up with late submissions.
Students who normally ignore their assignments are rushing to turn them in before the year comes to an end, creating a nightmare for teachers.
“I feel extremely burnt out since it’s the end of the year,” sophomore Xavier Lorenzo said. “It’s hard to find the motivation to keep doing my assignments.”
Some students still feel the need to solidify their grade even will the long quarter being a huge factor in demotivation.
“As tired as I am, I know I have to finish the year off strong,” junior Eylin Chavez. said. “Each assignment is one step closer to being done, and I’m ready to end this year.”
Other students have zero motivation to complete assignments because of how late it is in the school year.
“I don’t see the point of still having to do assignments this late into the year,” freshman Jayden Knight said. “We’re almost finished but teachers are still giving us a lot to do.”
Teachers find it stressful and difficult to manage grading assignments when students decide to submit something long past the initial due date.
“It does make it harder to grade when papers are turned in late,” English teacher Stephane Morales said. “Especially if it is on paper.”