Days on end
Later start and end to the day produces less motivated students

There are no students outside of Chapin’s walls. This represents how the students feel trapped inside this building because of the long hours.
“I like being able to start school closer to nine,” freshman Johnathan Huerta said. “I feel like I’m able to get more sleep in the morning instead of rushing through my routine.”
Some students are grateful for the extra sleep in the morning, but others have to rely on it because of how late their day is.
“I don’t like how late we have to stay at school,” sophomore Daniel Reyes said. “Even without doing a sport you won’t get home until after 4.”
Throughout the course of time, there have been many issues school districts have faced and had to handle. Part of these solutions involved the time and length of the school day.
“Over the years we have seen times change based on everything from the lack of lights for school events,” counselor Cheryl Whitney said. “To adding an advisory period to the day, to the capacity of local school buses and the size of the transportation department.”
Students who participate in a sport find it more difficult to manage their time due to how little of it they have left after school is over.
“Ending school later in the day leaves less time to do any homework from your classes,” junior Mia Brock said. “If you put a sport into the mix you barley have enough time left to take care of yourself on top of doing your work.”
Each school requires a specific amount of time the students attend school during the year, which has an affect on the length of the day.